Next Generation OSS and BSS (Open Source Service) architecture allow distributed systems to communicate application logic more effectively. It also provides for a more agile development environment and simplified service deployment. Furthermore, next generation OSS/BSS systems allow carriers to increase their competitive advantage by enabling them to rapidly deploy new services in a reduced cost. This lowers capital expenditure associated with deploying new offerings as well as improving the quality of service provided to customers.
The need for improved Next Generation OSS and BSS architecture is based on several factors. One factor is the dramatic reduction in fixed costs over the past five years due to significant improvements in chip design. Another factor is the dramatic increase in mobile device capabilities that can be accessed from a variety of devices. The third factor is the dramatic increase in network speeds that are now achievable for end-users regardless of their location. The fourth component is the market dynamics that impact the competitive landscape of mobile operators and the competitive posture of service providers.
Key players in the market of Next Generation OSS and BSS
There are several key players in the market that have contributed to the current market dynamics. AT&T is a leader in the industry when it comes to data networks and VoIP services. T-Mobile America is a leader when it comes to mobile device deployment, especially with respect to the cellular home user segment. Verizon is a leader in terms of wireline data networks and voice networking.
With respect to the competitive landscape, AT&T continues to lead with its broad portfolio of wireline and wireless solutions. T-Mobile America continues to lead the industry with respect to mobile device adoption. Verizon continues to lead the market with respect to its access to advanced data services. In addition, Verizon is the only carrier to introduce both CDMA and GSM services, which are considering the next generation in mobile technology.
The market has been analyzing mobile device usage patterns for several years now. As a result of this research, there are several insights that have been revealed through the studies. One of these is the fact that users have been shifting from their desktop computers to their mobile phones. This makes it important for carriers to adjust their marketing tactics to appeal to this new target market. One way that this can be achieved is by adjusting their marketing tactics to focus on features and functions that will enable users to take advantage of mobile phone usage while they are on the go.
Another important insight into the current mobile marketing landscape is the fact that the leading carriers in the U.S. have been contesting for market share in Asia Pacific countries such as China and India. The emergence of operators in India and China who offer cost effective services to U.S. consumers has been extremely beneficial to carriers in the United States. Furthermore, in India, the rising popularity of the Bharti Airtel Mobile network has been particularly helpful. The network provides users with access to hundreds of millions of people, a figure which is particularly significant considering that over half of the world's population resides in Asia Pacific.
There is also an emerging driver in the Next Generation OSS and BSS market: Value Creation. This refers to the practice of using marketing strategies to attract and convert users into paying customers. This is the opposite of the usual marketing practice, where value creation occurs after a consumer has made a decision to purchase a product or service. The emerging trend for Next Generation OSS and BSS operators is to provide a high quality product at an affordable price, which drives up demand while simultaneously lowering costs. Consequently, the market for Next Generation services is expected to expand substantially in the future.
In the coming five years, there is a clear trend for Next Generation communication solutions to emerge. However, one thing is for sure: the competition in this space will be intense as operators strive to retain their current market share. Industry analysts believe that there is a high potential for Next Generation mobile services to reach a billion globally by the end of the next decade, creating a powerful new competitive advantage. Therefore, companies providing Next Generation OSS and BSS services must focus on creating effective branding, operational efficiency, and value chains to compete successfully.